Has your employer dismissed you for just cause, alleged wrongdoing, wilful misconduct or poor performance as a reason for dismissal and denied you pay? Call Stitz Litigation, a leading Toronto employment law firm specializing in severance recovery and just cause dismissal.
By default, you are entitled to reasonable notice or pay in lieu of notice before your employment can be terminated in Ontario.
Your employer bears the burden to prove just cause in order to deny some of your most basic legal entitlements.
Sustaining just cause allegations requires a contextual review of the surrounding circumstances. One act of wrongdoing or performance management may not always be enough to justify a dismissal and deny you compensation. You need to hire one of the best Toronto employment lawyers to make the necessary legal argument to recover money for you and repair your reputation.
Even when wrongdoing or poor performance has occurred, you are often entitled to some compensation. Do not give up and accept no for an answer. Seek guidance from a professional.
Call Stitz Litigation, a top Toronto employment lawyer, to learn how Michael Stitz can fight to recover compensation for you even when your employer has terminated your employment for cause and says you are entitled to nothing.