Throughout Canada there are laws that prohibit workplace discrimination and require accommodation of differences such as a disability. Stitz Litigation has helped employees suffering discrimination in the workplace as well as those requiring accommodation.
​Are you being denied equal treatment at work or being treated in a prejudicial manner based on your gender, colour, sex, race, a disability, your religion or other protected grounds under Ontario's Human Rights Code or the Canadian Human Rights Act, Stitz Litigation can help!
The Human Rights Code protects against discrimination in such areas as:
Ancestry, colour, race
Ethnic origin
Place of origin
Family status
Marital status
Gender identity, gender expression
Record of offences
Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)
Sexual orientation.
Has your employer denied you a parental leave or maternity leave?
The Code states that every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to employment without discrimination or harassment because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or disability.
Has your employer terminated your employment or changed your role or compensation as a result of discriminatory motives?
Employees are entitled to certain protections and Stitz Litigation, a top Toronto employment, labour and human rights law firm, can help employees extricate themselves from discriminatory work environments, request proper accommodation in the workplace or seek formal legal redress from a court or specialized human rights tribunals. Call Michael Stitz. Toronto's employment lawyer, for a free initial case assessment.